Friday, 10 July 2015

Is you piggy bank full ...? Expat Savings !

Hello, hello !

There are many, many reasons when making the decision to relocate.  Without a doubt, among the tops in this list is the financial one.  Additionally, we use it as a strong argument -rational of course- for such a decision.

Lately, I am reading one article after the other, in which it is mentioned that -surprisingly ! - expats fail to save...
The grounds for that is something amazing according to those articles !  So, it is said that holidays spirit is the main reason of expats not saving !

Honestly speaking, I haven't thought about it, however there is a reasonable base to that point.
In previous articles, we discussed about "openness", "adventurous spirit", "socializing", all things that would be considered as given in our country.  
During our "exploring" phase, we may tend to spend more money in entertainment, for instance dine in restaurants rather than our home more than we used to; or adopt a more easygoing attitude thinking of our higher paycheck - in other words "right here - right now".

It's ok to do it, but not for so long...  As we said, we have to relax, enjoy our new life, be open, discover the new place and do whatever necessary to be integrated and feel good in this new homeland.  But.... there is always a but ha ...?  Yes, the catch here is to balance things.  We shouldn't forget the rainy days and the reason we relocated.  Nobody said to act as Scrooge McDuck, but on the other hand, don't be like a strainer !

Let's keep the balance right and our piggy bank full !

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