A blog for all those trying to find their way to expatriation. Professionals, financial immigrants, this road is absolutely not easy in many aspects.
Let's share our stories, experience and ideas.
No matter what the initial impulse was, the decision of being an expat is really challenging especially when there is a family. The complexity of this decision increases automatically when the member of the family that is about to accept an expat job is the mom... Millions of worries and questions ... : Should all the family relocate from the first moment ? If no, how will the children accept their mother's absence ? If yes, how easy will it be for them to adjust to the new environment, schools etc ? Furthermore, there is always the husband's side. How easy would it be for him to accept a staying-at-home-and-take-care-of-children-and-everything situation ?
No matter what the initial impulse was, the decision of being an expat is really challenging especially when there is a family. The complexity of this decision increases automatically when the member of the family that is about to accept an expat job is the mom... Millions of worries and questions ... : Should all the family relocate from the first moment ? If no, how will the children accept their mother's absence ? If yes, how easy will it be for them to adjust to the new environment, schools etc ? Furthermore, there is always the husband's side. How easy would it be for him to accept a staying-at-home-and-take-care-of-children-and-everything situation ?