Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Cinderella Syndrome...

Once upon a time there was a little girl....  We all know the Cinderella fairy tale and how the bad stepmother amused herself torturing Cinderella.  "Cinderella, IF you clean the dusts, you then can come to the prom with us.." And then again : "Cinderella, IF you take out the beans from the dusts you then can come to the prom with us..."  You know the continuation.  No matter what Cinderella was doing, it was not enough for her stepmother.  Anyway, she had already decided that Cinderella would not go to the prom.
Something similar happens with the professionals aiming to a new career path in another country.

The truth is that all those years I have met some (not many to be honest) people, willing to help.  So, I started receiving advises and I proceeded to the following actions :

- Modification of my resume according to experts' (recruiters, coaches, etc) advises
- Re-design of my LinkedIn profile
- Follow-up emails, phone calls (being very cautious on how many days after the application I had to send the follow-up email, how many days after the application I should call (needless to say that I was also very selective in the exact day (never on Mondays or Fridays) and hour of this day (not too early, not too late)).
- Creation of different cover letters depending on each application (with really careful selection of each application).
- Sign-in in relevant to my profession blogs, groups etc.
- Retention and update of recruiter's list, informing them about any possible changes in my current situation.

After completion of all I have been told to in order to achieve my goal, but the desideratum was not visible, everybody then said "There is nothing more that you can do.  Just be patient..." !
I have done everything till now, but... no prom for me (yet) !

Do you also feel suffering from The Cinderella Syndrome ?

The Expat Fairy

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